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  • Steroid-Dementia

    Okay so I had nothing to do the other day so I went to a lecture to get myself a bit smarter. It was given by a nueroimmunologist. The guy had lots of initials after his name; an M.D., a couple PhD's, and some other letters that I have no idea what they meant but there sure were lots of them. Needless to say the guy had a brain the size of Kansas. He was studying PTSD among vets and F.B.I agents. It seems in his study he found many in these groups tend to get dememtia at a greater rate than the general population.His premise was that people under severe stress always have elevated levels of cortisol, the bodys stress hormone, which is also the body's own produced steroid. As he was doing his research he found a subset that had an even higher incidence of dementia. That group tended to take exogenous steroids ( meaning not medically supervised or medically needed for health). As with steroid induced problems the dementia takes 20-30 years to develope. I know you guys that use them know the right way and this and that and more times than not I can't tell you guys anything because I'm an idiot but I just thought I should pass it on. His research should be published by the end of the year and when I get a copy I will give it to all who ask. For me it's just something to think about! ( and not to argue about)
    The world's still a toy if you just stay a boy!

  • #2
    Very interesting, Hopefully his work will provide some statistics for the individual steroids and the amount of over doing them that occurred. I would like to read the study although I don't use steroids I have a very good freind that does. He is careful but I still worry about him. He already looks like he is ready to be a competitive body builder and he got that way naturally. I would hate to see him suffer long term later in life.
    Going an inch and 1/2 deeper than before

