Shower Warming, Staying on a routine, and how penis growth works: Ask The Experts

Big Al, of, answers questions about shower warming, routine maintenance, and penis growth.

If you have questions you’d like answered in an Ask the Experts article, please PM Big Al

Q. My time is limited as is my privacy. That means I have to stay in the bathroom and do my training. Is a shower good for warming up and warming down?

Al: As long as the water is very warm and is targeting the desired area (for 5-7 minutes), a shower’s great. Just be sure to get your light stretching and massage as the water’s targeting the area.

Q. I like my routine and have noticed good temporary results, but the last round of erect measures showed no progress. Should I continue to train in the same way?

Al: Enjoying your training is very important. If you like what you’re doing and feel you can continue to extract benefit from this regimen, you can give it until the next round of measures to test. If you feel underwhelmed, it would be good to accelerate the rate of rep increases.

Q. You often refer to tissue flexibility and expansion as being necessary for penis growth. Can you elaborate on this?

Al: With penis enlargement, the mechanism behind growth is somewhat different than for skeletal muscle. Tissue flexibility (esp. the flexibility of the suspensory ligament and tunica) combined with greater EQ are what causes growth.

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Gains made with coaching, Stop and Starts: Ask The Experts

Big Al, of, answers questions about gains made with the coaching service and details on progressing with the Stop and Starts exercise.

If you have questions you’d like answered in an Ask the Experts article, please PM Big Al

Q. I’m interested in your coaching as I’ve heard a lot of good things about you. Can you give me an idea of what I can expect to gains using your services?

Al: Thanks for your interest in the service, and for your kind words! To get an idea of what some of our best clients have gained, the time it took them to make those gains, and the training methods they used, please check out our Client Study.

For someone starting out, a MINIMUM expectation would be to add 1/4″ in length and 1/8″ in girth per cycle (7 weeks).

As a member of TheBioHacker, you’re entitled to one free extra month with the purchase of any 3 month subscription. Just email me your TBH/PEGym username when you’ve signed up and we’ll proceed from there.


Q. In using the Stop and Starts, I’ve been able to add 30 seconds or more each session. That being said, I do have to stop during the exercise in order to get the time in. Is this OK? BTW, I’m already noticing increased erection strength from this exercise during sex!

Al: Congratulations on your increase in performance! Your progression is coming along well. As regards timing for the Stop and Starts– even if you have to pause to get the extra time in, please feel free to do so. Once you’re able to get 20-25 minutes with the exercise, you’ll no longer have to worry about adding time. We can then focus on aspects like hardness and refining ejaculatory control.

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Advanced training: Devices and rest: Ask The Experts

Big Al, of, answers questions about using devices and taking long rest breaks.

If you have questions you’d like answered in an Ask the Experts article, please PM Big Al


Q. I’ve been training for some time now and have used various manual stretches and other hand based exercises.

While I’ve had good progress, the workouts are taking a toll on my hands as they’re pretty long now. I also don’t get the same level of feedback. Should I consider devices for training? If so, what do you recommend?

Al: Manual exercises offer many conveniences: they’re free, versatile, and no equipment beyond towel and some lube is needed. That being said, there are times when device use can be advantageous.

If you’re going to select just one device, I recommend a pump. The Bathmate is great for beginner training and auxiliary work- along with warm ups and warm downs, but if you’re going to be performing advanced pump training some day then you’ll want a device which can generate more pressure and also has a gauge.

Kaplan Pumps has been around for close to 30 years, and their line of products are of the highest quality.

Hanging is a close second for device work. LG Hangers offers a selection of quality devices for training. If you visit them, please let them know Al referred you. Thanks!

Q. According to you and many others, regular breaks are important.

I take my week off at the end of every training cycle and have been doing so for two years. After my latest week off, I still felt like I could have used more rest.

My gains have also slowed because I don’t feel rested enough. This is creeping into my motivation to train! What should I do about this?

Al: Taking your week off at the end of the cycle is always good practice, but once or twice a year you’d do well to take a training break lasting 2 or more weeks. Some refer to this as a “decon” break, but while the goal isn’t to decondition, it’s to get a deep level of both physical and mental rest from the burdens of training.

It would be good for you to take that long break now, then wait until you feel refreshed and remotivated before you resume.


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Using The Pumping Chamber, Phimosis: Ask The Experts

Big Al, of, answers questions about using the TOTALMAN Vacuum Chamber device, and phimosis.

If you have questions you’d like answered in an Ask the Experts article, please PM Big Al


Q. In your instructions of how to use the vacuum chamber attachment, you mentioned the use of a penis pump sleeve and attached rubber extension that goes up to the penis glans. Where can I purchase one!? Thanks

Al: You’ll want the SPANDEX SLEEVE for covering the glans, and the SILICONE SLEEVE for securing the VACUUM CHAMBER. You’ll also need 3M MICROPORE TAPE for foundational protection of the glans.

Please see the following tutorial for full instructions: Taping and Attaching the Vacuum Chamber – PART 1: PREPARATION


Q. I’m able to perform many of the stretches but I’m not able to get a full range of motion due to having phimosis.  Is there something you’d recommend for resolving this?

Al: You NEED to get the phimosis issue taken care of if you want to train in an unfettered manner.

If your condition doesn’t require surgery, then phimosis-specific manual stretches would be recommended.

Here are the instructions:

Manual stretching is the least invasive phimosis treatment.

‧ While in the bath or while using a lubricant, if there is enough of an opening to insert the tips of one finger on each hand, do so and very gently stretch the opening. Be sure to do this when your penis is completely flaccid.

‧ Hold the stretch for 30 to 60 seconds.

‧ Repeat for 10 to 20 reps, twice a day.

‧ If your opening is not that large yet, gently pinch your foreskin between your thumb and index fingers of both hands, at the opening, and stretch it from the outside of the skin.

‧ Continue this process until the foreskin can be retracted over the glans of the penis.

‧ This process may take a few months.

The following may be of additional interest: Phimosis (aka Tight Foreskin): Treatment Options


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EQ Training and Retainer Rings: Ask The Experts

EQ Training and Retainer Rings: Ask The Experts

Big Al, of, answers questions about levels of EQ for training and how retainer ring works and holds in blood.

If you have questions you’d like answered in an Ask the Experts article, please PM Big Al


Q. I read you mention about erection quality and where to start off in your training. What do you mean by this?

Al: When a client comes to me for training, one of the stats necessary for assessment for is EQ (Erection Quality: a combined measure of stamina and hardness).

EQ is the literal life blood of the penis and is foundational to male enhancement.  If you want to add size via tissue expansion and thoroughly recover from training, you should be striving to develop your EQ to its maximum- even higher than what you may feel is needed for optimal sexual contact.

If EQ is a 5 or lower (on a 0 to 10 scale- where 0 is total impotence and a 10 is the client’s ideal level of EQ), I generally recommend starting on a Stamina Only regimen for conditioning.

For starting a basic routine, an EQ level of 6 or greater is desirable.

For advanced training, an EQ of 7 or greater is recommended.
Q. Why is it I can wear a retainer (cock) ring pretty tightly and it lets the blood in but not out? Shouldn’t the ring stop blood from going in altogether? What am I missing here?

Al: The penis delivers blood back to the body through the veins near the surface- as opposed to blood going IN via the deeper arteries (see: To summarize: blood can go in, and it doesn’t go out (or at least the rate of blood return is slowed). This is why you can wear a secure ring and still pump or induce an erection.

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Pumping Edition of Ask The Experts

Pumping Edition of Ask the Experts

Big Al, of, answers questions about pumping.

If you have questions you’d like answered in an Ask the Experts article, please PM Big Al

Q. Is there a specific erection level you should use when entering the pump? When I go in erect, I don’t get in as good of a workout as when I go in a bit flaccid.

Al: If you don;t have any serious stamina concerns and are utilizing the device with enlargement in mind, you can enter the device at about 70% erect or so- then proceed to induce a full erection once you’re in the device.

If one has ED or has serious stamina issues. then enter the device with as much of an erection as can be comfortably managed.


Q. What are your favorite pumping routines?

Al: The following are two pages of data I recommend on this subject:

A New Bathpump Routine

The Advantages of Pulse Penis Pumping


Q. Are there things you can do during the pump session itself to make the workout more challenging?

Al: There are various intensity techniques which can be used by the advanced. Pulling (jacking) the device slightly can generate even more pressure in slight bursts. Some use this as a means of self-pleasuring.

Another very advanced technique is to give a pull and then a quick pump to remove a slight bit of pressure. The singular pump combined with a pull creates a greater negative pressure deficit.

The above can also be performed with a well-timed Kegel instead of a pull.

These techniques work best with a manual pump or BathMate type device.

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Peaking and Stress: Ask The Experts

Peaking and Stress: Ask The Experts

Big Al, of, answers questions about peaking during a training cycle and emotional stress.

If you have questions you’d like answered in an Ask the Experts article, please PM Big Al

Q. I’ve often read you referring to peaking at the end of a cycle. What exactly does this mean?

Al: The peak of your training is when you’re both at your highest level of conditioning AND training your hardest. You’ll want this to happen towards the end of your training cycle. Continuing past this point often leads to a plateau or even overtraining.

Q. My biggest challenge is setting the mood. This applies to training and sex. I don’t see myself as inadequate, but I’ve found as I got older that stress (especially from work) leaves me feeling like not training or having sex. Is there a way around this?

Al: Stress is THE #1 cause of ED, and it’s also the biggest killer (when used in comorbidities).

Emotional stress management should be a daily part of your life- not just for male enhancement, but to maintain optimal physical and emotional health. Practicing your Emotional Visualizations and regular meditative rest is something you should make a part of your lifestyle.

There’s also diet, regular exercise and good sleep. If any one of these is lacking, you’re going to feel it.

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Pumping The Entire Package: Ask The Experts

Pumping The Entire Package: Ask The Experts

Big Al, of, answers questions about using a Penis Enlargement Vacuum Device to pump both penis and testes.

If you have questions you’d like answered in an Ask the Experts article, please PM Big Al


Q. What do you think of using a big diameter cylinder to pump both the penis and the testes? This seems to be a better fit and doesn’t cause a lot of the problems just pumping the penis does.

Al: There are advantages and disadvantages to pumping testes

Here are some of the advantages:

Lower hanging testes

Surrounding [basal] tissues also stretched lower hanging testes

Less issues with fitting; trimming shaving may not be necessary

Some disadvantages:

Possible varicocele aggravation (if varicocele is present)

Potential Cremaster muscle(s) strain

Lower hanging testes- this is listed in both categories, because while the initial effect of lower hanging testes makes them appear larger and more virile, they will tend to hang lower as men age. The drawback comes from overdoing this to the point to where the elongation becomes excessive over time.

There’s also the temporarily enlarged appearance due to edematous swelling; though whether this is an advantage or disadvantage is pure personal preference.

For a great selection of pump based devices, please see Dr. Joel Kaplan

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Grips For Stretching and Split Routines: Ask The Experts

Grips For Stretching and Split Routines: Ask The Experts

Big Al, of, answers questions about gripping for stretches and splitting routines for a busy schedule.

If you have questions you’d like answered in an Ask the Experts article, please PM Big Al


Q. I’m not OK with doing the Side to Side stretches as my penis slips out of my hand every few reps. Is there something I can do or another exercise I can perform?

Al: Are you ensuring your penis is free from any lube and moisture before setting your grip? Have you tried using a small cotton or microfiber towel for padding and enhancement? Be careful to use only as much gripping force as you feel is necessary. Even then, you’re likely going to need to readjust your grip a few time. This is to be expected, and as long as there aren’t any unnecessary delays it won’t negatively affect the quality of your stretching session.

When you’re ready, you might want to test out a static stretch like the Tension Stretch. These are usually a slight bit easier on the hands and wrists.


Q. I’m doing the Jelq Free routine but find I don’t have enough time for a full workout. Even training early is out as I already don’t get enough sleep. What are my options? I really like it so please don’t tell me to try something else!

Al: For the busy trainer, a split routine may be necessary. You might consider splitting up your enlargement work from your stamina training (e.g.: Squeezes and stretches in the AM, Kegels and Stop and Starts in the PM). Another alternative would be for you to group your Squeezes with your Stop and Starts in the AM, and your stretches and Kegels in the PM.

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Muscle Confusion Training and Measuring Volume: Ask The Experts

Muscle Confusion Training and Measuring Volume: Ask The Experts

Big Al, of, answers questions about muscle confusion training and measuring volume.

If you have questions you’d like answered in an Ask the Experts article, please PM Big Al

Q. I’m interested in male enhancement and would be interested in trying out the different exercises a la muscle confusion like some bodybuilders do. Is this a good idea?

Al: The problem with the muscle confusion principle as it applies to male enhancement is that even in the bodybuilding world one still has to A) have a stable foundation, and B) have made some level of progress with the basics. The challenge arises when even the basics fail to yield satisfactory results. In this case, we need to figure out what works best by looking over what hasn’t worked so far. To do this, we’ll need testing. This usually requires consistency- which is contrary to the confusion principle.

Once you’ve reached a level of sufficient experience and kinesthetic sense, you may then be able to train in a more unstructured manner and benefit.

Q. You guys talk a lot about penis volume. How would I measure this?

Al: Take your average girth measurement (measure your thickest and thinnest points and divide that number by 2). *Then divide that number by 6.28. Now square that number and multiply it by 3.14. Multiply that number by length. The resulting product will give you an approximation of your penile volume.

*Girth divided by pi roughly equals diameter, and diameter divided by 2 equals radius.

If you like, you can use the following online software to do the math and to give you a visual representation: Mr. Average

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