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Osteogenesis Imperfecta

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  • Osteogenesis Imperfecta

    Osteogenesis imperfecta is a connective tissue disease that they say is mostly in bones, though it also affects collagen type I through out the body and that is mostly what the penis consist of type I, but has type III also, so would not either having a pro-alpha1 and pro-alpha2 in Type I OI (the mind case), the collagen still forms natural, just a lot weaker(50% to be exact, in type I) It seems like it would be a great thing if some one did pe with this disease? The collagen would definitely grow a lot faster/easier, but I trying to figure out if the collagen in penis would become stronger as with normal pe or would it remain weaker while it grows over and over?


  • #2
    Time4aChange: Good post.

    I don't know much about osteogensis, but I imagine that it wouldn't help too much. The reason I think this is that the collagen isn't the main focus of what we're trying enlarge (or at least I don't believe it is) - the smooth muscle and tunica is. The other stuff just follows. What do you think?
    "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein


    • #3
      Thanks bro! But, that is what I was refering to the actual connective tissue of the tunica becoming a lot weaker with this disease. Yes, I believe that the tunica and septum are the limiting factor, so it would make sense that this would make gains easier. It also affects collagen tisssues in skeletal muscles, so that would help with the ventral/dorsal thickening.



      • #4
        T4aC: Interesting point. How common is the disease? Do you have it?

        I wonder how strong the erections are for the men who have this disease. A weaker tunica would probably lead to more gains, as you're suggesting. . . But I think it would lead to weaker erections too (theoretically). The reason I say that is the tunica is a lot like the inner tube of a bicycle tire. And as we know, a thinner tube is not nearly as firm as a thicker one.
        "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein


        • #5
          Off the top of my head I think it is 6-7 per 100,000. Though they say it is a lot more common then statistics say and from type II on it becomes very dangerous, type I being the mild case. No, I personally don't have it and I always wonder if the porn star Tony Duncan aka Mr. 18" has it, because that dude is literally longer then mandingo and he doesn't even get hard. I do agree that one's erections would definitely suffer, but if I could make gains that easy, that would be the least of my worries.



          • #6
            Interesting point about Duncan. Did he PE? He might be a candidate for the disease, as he has weak erections (but this could also be due to just having such a massive sized penis).

            Either way, I'd take rock-solid erections over a big penis that can't get hard any day.
            "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

