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  • Perception

    I have often wondered about the ways I and other people perceive each other and themselves. You can see an epidemic of
    supermodels thin as a sheet thinking that they are fat. I have found myself being perceived by other people as short, only
    to walk up and look them straight in the eye to make them aware that they are just as "short" as I am. I on the other hand
    see myself as an average male, nothing special about anything on my body. I look at my hands,wrists and arms and actually
    consider them small but average, however today I pulled out the measuring tape and took a few measurements. I never measured
    anything on my body until recently. I remember a couple of girlfriends that measured my unit back in highschool but can't recall
    exactly what it was. I never considered or perceived my unit as being small or huge in any way, but as I mentioned other parts
    I do consider to be on the small side. People that I don't know will comment on my arms or hands and I think they are crazy,
    come on, I'm just an average guy. So as I measure my forearm and bicep in my mind I already have the numbers, maybe a 9"
    forearm and a 12" bicep, that sound like a good guess, besides you have to think that I've lived with these things all my life.
    But the tale of the tape shows only reality, my forearms are 13" and my biceps are 16", I know that's not huge but it's quite
    larger than I thought. What make someone see in their minds eye something different than reality? This topic may have no place
    in a PE forum, but I think it is at least worth pondering on.

    So I guess my questions would be, do you have any perception issues of yourself or anyone else? Has a false perception that
    you or someone else had ever been cleared up by a reality check? Looking forward to your response's. HT.

    Perception: A single unified awareness derived from sensory processes while a stimulus is present.