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Am I really this delusional?

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  • Am I really this delusional?


    I've (as you all know) got some type of self image problem with my penis. Obviously.

    However, I also do have a turkey neck. I've always felt my penis looked smaller from a side view. Now I've posted pictures of my penis with the LEFT side view, and almost everyone said it looked actually bigger than my stats, when I thought it looked inches smaller.

    However, It looks semi normal to me when taking a picture of it from the left side. However, I feel as if the turkey neck skin extends farther up the shaft on the right side of my dick. When I take a picture from the right side, it looks SO much smaller than it does when I look at a picture of the same boner from a shot I took on the left side.

    It is so weird, and part of me wants to think that for some reason, my perception is altered with the right side of my dick, because I never take pictures or never look at it from that angle. But do you think that its possible that my dick actually looks smaller from the right side than it does from the left?

    Or is this just somehow me being delusional... is that even possible? Can someone be that delusional that they see their dick as smaller from one side but not smaller from the other?

  • #2
    I'll say it again: you have Body Dysmorphic Disorder and should honestly consider seeing professional help because it seems to be affecting the quality of your life.
    PEGym Theme Song:


    • #3
      You don't think that it is possible that the sack skin extends a little farther up the right side of my dick?

      Because basically, years ago I never was able to look at my dick from the side. Head on it looked alright. But side it looked so small to me. For some reason a few months ago my dick started to look normal from the left side when I took pictures. I don't know if it ever didn't because I never thought about it from a "which side looks bigger" basis I thought of it as a "it looks small from the side", so maybe I was always looking at it from the right side. Because when I look at it from the right side now, what makes it look small to me is the extra skin on the sides of the penis due to the turkey neck, and that skin does not seem like it is on the other side of my dick. Admittedly, that could be false, and it could be exactly the same, but I just dont get how I can look at one side and see a good side 6 nbp dick, then look at the other side and see something completely different. Im debating posting some pictures of both sides. I feel like there may be something more to this than delusion.


      • #4
        Yep it is definitely somewhat psychological, but atleast your brave enough to post pics I noticed something similar of myself, in the mirror from the sides god... It looks very small. But if I hold the mirror up and get a top down view it actually looks massive. Also, maybe you are wider than you are deep.


        • #5
          Well pics have been my savior. Pics turned my terrible self perception into something thats not that awful anymore. The problem is I have certain aspects that still look tiny to me. It's like I eliminate one piece of the puzzle at a time. I used to think the whole thing looked small, then it was just from the side and behind, then the left side started looking somewhat normal to me after posting pictures. Right now, the right side, and standing up to me looks small. If I take a picture sitting down from the left side, it looks 6 nbpel and is fine, then I rotate the picture so it looks like I'm standing up and its pointing outwards horizontally instead of standing up, and it immediately looks tiny to me.

          I don't know though. I do have a turkey neck. And I know alot of my problems stemmed from me thinking I looked smaller than I measured. When I found out that I had a turkey neck and that that was a legit thing, then It was a huge blow to me, because for so long I chalked all these size issues to something psychological (dysmorphic disorder, ocd...etc), and now I actually had a physiological reason (at least I thought) for why I looked smaller. However I posted pics, of my LEFT side, and supposedly most people thought it looked even bigger than my stats, when I thought it looked smaller. However like I said, I can see it as normal from the left side, from the right side, where the skin goes a little higher up the side of my shaft, it looks fucking TINY. I can't remember If I used to think I looked tiny from the left side too, and then my perception of that changed, or if I've always just looked at the side view from the right side thinking I looked tiny, and have always looked normal from the left. I don't fucking know anymore. But I'm thinking of posting pics of both views from the same erection, hopefully it's just in my head, but I have a bad feeling it has something to do with the skin or something and it wont be.

