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Found my Problem and Now Time to Fix it! (Log)

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  • Found my Problem and Now Time to Fix it! (Log)

    Hello everyone,

    I have been a LONG TIME reader on the forum, probably for years. After never having any success with the many things I have tried, I truly believe I found out what my issue is. Now I need to figure out what I need to do to solve it. I decided to create an account and start a log to track my progress.

    I believe my issue has to do with front reverse kegels. I simply cannot do them. When I reverse kegel, I feel all of the movement near the back. However when I just kegel, I can feel tensing in the front and the back. Now this makes sense, because I can link this to a lot of things that leads me to believe my front RKs are pretty much non existent:

    - When I go to the bathroom, I can poo really easily, no problems there. Actually really easy, sometimes people wonder how I'm done in like 30 seconds, lol (Back RK in good shape). However when I pee, I cannot push all of my urine out. I have to kegel to get the rest out. If I try to push it out through RK, I only feel the back move by my anus. I have to either kegel or physically push on my pelvic floor to get it out (front rk bad).

    - I get involuntary kegels and spasms a lot. When trying to edge, I notice that reverse kegels do not delay ejaculation at all. Actually when holding a reverse kegel, whenever I stimulate the head of my penis, I gain tension in in the front of the pelvic floor even though I am holding an RK. The RK does not effect the front, and my body can still react to stimulation by front kegeling

    - I believe this issue leads to me to easily getting erections, especially when I don't want them. Friction from my underwear, like when I am walking, running, exercising, etc. stimulates the head, and causes that tension in the front of my pelvic floor. My RK does nothing to combat this, so I can't help from getting an erection, whereas if I could RK in the front, I could probably avoid it. I believe that being able to hold a front RK can reduce stimulation and arousal.

    Here is a list of things I have tried with no improvements:

    1. Edging - since I cannot front RK, my edging sessions only slightly improved. I learned a lot about my PONR, and timing my starts/stops, but haven't gained lasting power.

    2. Balooning - Thinking I was over-sensitive, I tried ballooning. I do believe it helps, and it does help me gain some time in how long I last, however going from 30 seconds to 1 minute isn't much. I also don't believe losing sensitivity is the way to go. I think being able to properly RK both front and back controls the sensitivity, which in turns controls arousal.

    3. Reverse kegel routine - As stated before, I realized after lots of time "studying" myself that Nothing happens in the front of my pelvic floor when trying to RK. Only movement in the back near the anus. Kegeling, however, causes tension in both areas. Reverse kegels have had no success since they seem to only affect the area in the back.

    I know this is a long post, but I am about to wrap it up. Here is a list of exercise I am going to try to "unlock" those front RKs and loosen up the pelvic floor:

    1. Hindi Squats

    2. Hip flexor and quad stretches to help fix tightness in those areas (I have slight pelvic tilt)

    3. Bridges to work the glutes (also to help with APT)

    4. Tennis ball massage to try to loosen up the Pelvic Floor a bit

    5. Groin stretches on top of the hindi squat (I have a really tight groin, so I feel like my hindi squats will benefit more if I can open up more)

    6. Meditative breathing RKs every night

    7. Penis stretches (holds for 30 seconds, I can feel if stretching out the front part of the pelvic floor when I do these).

  • #2
    This describes my current situation as well. I’ve decided to stick with a similar list of exercises for 90 days to see if I’m able to isolate that front RK and get my pelvic floor to loosen. I look forward to seeing your progress updates.


    • #3
      Looking forward to your progress as you seem to have followed a very similar path that I am on. (I don't consider myself as having PreE necessarily but I definitely do not last as long as I want, 5-10 minutes slow, 1-2 min fast.)


      • #4
        Haha ya you’re quite a bit ahead of me, 5 to 10 minutes would be cured in my mind lol.


        • #5
          So apt is implicated in stuborn pre e cases . The normal person to help with this is a physio.


          • #6
            So are you saying anterior pelvic tilt contributes to/is the reason for front pelvic floor tension?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Pegasus View Post
              So apt is implicated in stuborn pre e cases . The normal person to help with this is a physio.


              • #8
                APT can certainly cause pf tension/inflammation, as can lateral pelvic tilt. These are just muscle imbalances.


                • #9
                  Often the culprit is either weak glutes or strong/inhibited glutes. Without these muscle firing you will create imbalances cause dysfunction in other muscles.
                  Inhibited glutes + tense PF = pelvic floor dysfunction.

