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Dry orgasm/ MMO to counter PreE?

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  • Dry orgasm/ MMO to counter PreE?

    I see frequent posts of members saying they can do dry orgasm.
    I was wondering why not use this as a tool to counter PreE. I haven't been doing normal kegels for quite some time now, but I am considering working on strengthening my PF muscles and try dry orgasm, at the end if this can prevent ejaculation and still maintain an erection could a powerful weapon.
    What do you guys think about this? Has anybody had success with this against PreE?

  • #2
    Look to the work of Minuteman .


    • #3
      I'll have multiples sometimes to keep it going but my wife isn't so much into the long sessions so it's really more for me. What I found when practicing toward MMO is that I was able to gain more control of my orgasm, as well.

      It's a lot of work. You have to build the ability to DO and train yourself to achieve it. And then you have to train yourself to keep it up after your nervous system thinks you're done. I'm not sure it's any less work that learning to control PreE in the first place. Perhaps even more. They each have their own benefits.


      • #4
        I have been trying to fix my PreE for about 2 years now. Had some partial success but performance is still very inconsistent. So I will first make a deep dive in the Minuteman's and see where I am in terms of training needed.
        I hope that this indeed brings some more control and awareness of my body in general

