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Reverse Kegel - Am I Doing it Right?

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  • Reverse Kegel - Am I Doing it Right?

    Hey all! Long time reader, first time poster here. Been reading heaps about reverse kegel as I personally think that the main cause of my PE is bad masturbation habits which led to high frequency involuntary kegel spasms during arousal.

    I've been trying to do RKs but I am really not sure if I'm getting it right. Articles/Forums say you're supposed to feel like you're: A) peeing faster and B) taking a dump/pushing out a ripper fart.

    However, I feel like the only way I can really achieve that 'pushing out' pressure on my BC & PC muscles, is if I applied a lot of pressure onto my lower abs. I tried doing the routine made by and I feel like my lower abs fatigues/gasses out even before I can reach the 30 second mark (heck my abs start to fatigue after 13 seconds LOL). It feels more like an abs exercise than a pelvic floor exercise to be honest!

    Not sure if this is correct/if I am the only one with this problem but I would love to learn from everyone and listen to everyone's advice/opinion.

    Thanks all and have a great week!

  • #2
    I struggled with RKs at first too. The only time I could actually do one is while peeing. I just couldn't make the mental connection with the physical action. However, I could push my pee out faster even though I couldn't feel how I was doing it. So I used urination as my RK routine for a few days.

    Every time I would pee I would do a set of RK's. I wouldn't hold them for more than 2-3 seconds because I wanted to get the pushing action down. So I would do as many as I could while peeing. Then I would try to keep doing them after I ran out of urine. After a little bit I started to get the hang of doing them without peeing. Then I was able to start doing them in other positions besides standing in front of the toilet.

    I didn't worry about using my abs in the beginning. That is not as important as getting used to doing them. I don't know the routine you posted, but if it calls for a long held RK, it might be better to do shorter ones until you get the action down.


    • #3
      Sorry for the late reply plays alot. Been away!

      Oh wow that's something new! Never heard of this 'style' before! I will definitely try it out. Still doing my RK's but still having the same difficulties. I assume that it'd be even harder for me to correctly perform an RK. I reckon my problem is due to a stronger and overactive PC muscle, thus making it difficult for me to properly relax the muscle. I'll keep going at it and try different ways.

      Everyone else is welcomed to key in their tips & advice!

